Certified Arborist Practice Exam 2024 - Free Certified Arborist Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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This section of a chainsaw is known for producing kickback:

Upper tip quadrant


The correct answer relates to the part of the chainsaw that is most associated with the risk of kickback. Kickback occurs when the chainsaw's chain catches on a hard object, typically when the upper part of the chain bar strikes something while cutting. Specifically, the upper tip quadrant of the chainsaw bar is the area where kickback is most likely to occur, as it can rapidly force the saw back toward the operator. When considering the function and anatomy of a chainsaw, the upper tip quadrant is the part of the bar where the chain speed is highest. If this area contacts a branch or any solid object unexpectedly while in motion, it can lead to a sudden upward motion of the chainsaw, resulting in kickback. The side of the bar does not have the same level of risk because it is not typically involved in situations that would cause the chain to catch in a manner that produces kickback. Hence, recognizing the importance of the upper tip quadrant in managing chainsaw safety and understanding where to avoid potential kickback is crucial for any operator.




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